Rural Community Builder Name: Denny Bar Company

Community: Etna, CA

Role: Distillery and restaurant

What is one word or phrase that describes this person as an RCB: Creative

Recognized by: Crystal Aston from Mt. Shasta, CA

Tell us a bit about what you appreciate about them as an RCB: A distillery as a Community Builder? Absolutely! When the owners of Denny Bar Company in Etna, California were faced with keeping their staff employed, and additionally saw a need for hand sanitizer — they did what any creative community builder would do and put the two things together to make things better for all. The distillery switched over their production to produce hand sanitizer available for purchase as well as to support the local hospitals. They provide an inspiring example of where starting with what you know, and building on what you have can lead.

Check out The Siskyou Daily News article to learn more.