Rural Community Builder Name: Pat Hanenkrat

Community: Metolius, OR

Role: Public Works Director

What is one word or phrase that describes this person as an RCB: Hard-working, knowledgeable, and willing to try new things.

Recognized by:  Sienna Fitzpatrick

Tell us a bit about what you appreciate about them as an RCB: Pat Hanenkrat is not only a hard-working city employee in Metolius; he is also a champion for everything from community engagement, volunteer appreciation, and beautifying the city. Pat has been involved with the ongoing work for the Metolius Community Vision; he shows up to every meeting he can and brings his full attention, expertise, and excitement to each idea that comes to the city. When asked to help or when there are missing pieces for a project, Pat steps up without hesitation to make sure the project can keep moving forward. Pat always does everything he can to help make his community better, from small ideas to big projects; his contributions to the development of the Metolius Vision Action Plan were critical to the success of the first project, which was beautifying the downtown walking path. He continues to be an inspiration to his community and his partners!