Rural Community Builder Name: Frances Smith
Community: Coos County
Role: President, Coos County Friends of Public Health (among many other roles)
What is one word or phrase that describes this person as an RCB: Tireless
Recognized by: Jen Shafer
Tell us a bit about what you appreciate about them as an RCB: Coos County Friends of Public Health was nominated for United Way of Southwestern Oregon’s 2021 Community Celebration, where we asked the south coast community to submit entries of nonprofits and community organizations that have gone above and beyond over the last year. In the words of the person nominating CCFoPH, “The CCFoPH volunteers have been regular supporters of the Coos Health & Wellness COVID shot clinics…. I have seen Frances Smith, her husband, and other CCFoPH volunteers, dressed in head to toe rain gear, brave wind and rain to talk with each person after they got their shots. They make rounds several times for each person and brave the weather to make sure all are safe and doing well following their COVID shots.” In our words, Frances provides a steady, fearless, dedicated presence in Coos County and we greatly appreciate her leadership!