Rural Community Builder Name:  Mike & Stephanie Miller

Community: Condon, OR

Role: Volunteers/Ambassadors

Recognized by:  K’Lynn Lane

What is one word or phrase that describes this person as an RCB: Dedicated

Tell us a bit about what you appreciate about them as an RCB:

Mike and Stephanie, your dedication echoes the sentiment that when we take pride in our roots, we strengthen the bonds that tie us together.

What inspires me about Mike and Stephanie is their unwavering and consistent support for local small businesses and organizations in Condon like the Elks Lodge and the Oregon Frontier Chamber of Commerce.

Their dedication is displayed throughout the year, but specifically during the 4th of July celebration, Mike and Stephanie’s involvement in organizing the kids’ games at the football field reflects their genuine concern for the younger generation’s enjoyment and engagement within our community. Drawing over 100 plus youth to compete in running races, where silver coins can be earned, it’s an annual tradition that keeps families coming back year after year.

You are wonderful ambassadors, thank you for your advocacy and promotion of our region, you have not only brought friends to our doorstep but have also showcased the remarkable aspects that make Condon a remarkable place to live and visit. Your efforts amplify the value of our town’s rural charm and remind us of the unique attributes that set our rural spaces apart.

It is truly inspiring to witness your commitment to Condon as your hometown. Your pride in where you come from is contagious, and it spreads a sentiment of unity and belonging.