Rural Community Builder Name:  Scott Peters

Community: Wasco, OR

Role: Basketball Commissioner for Mid-Columbia Basketball Officials Association, Leader, Role Model, Volunteer, Compassionate Neighbor

Recognized by:  K’Lynn Lane

What is one word or phrase that describes this person as an RCB: Dedicated

Tell us a bit about what you appreciate about them as an RCB:

Scott’s kindness and approachability effortlessly cultivates an environment of trust and camaraderie. In every endeavor, it’s clear that he sees his leadership role as more… He is a trusted advisor and mentor, consistently surpassing expectations to uplift and support others on their journey.

One of the remarkable qualities that stands out about Scott is his selfless nature. His encouragement and support empower individuals to recognize their potential and worth, fostering a sense of self-belief that is transformative. It’s a rare and invaluable skill to uplift those around you, and Scott does it with grace and authenticity.

In a world where recognition is often sought, Scott embodies the spirit of service without expectation. He is a beacon of inspiration!